Tai Wo Tang, Century-old Chinese Clinic turns into Hip Cafe in Hong Kong 九龍城大和堂
Kowloon City was the area of the old airport, and is famous of different local restaurant.
It is full of history. Some youngsters have turned an almost century-old Chinese Clinic into a hip cafe.

The building of this place was built in 1920. The shop on the ground floor first became a Chinese medicine clinic in 1932. After three generations of Chinese Doctor, it was closed down permanently in 2017. Later it was turned into a cafe.

Many signature parts from the old clinic, such as the cabinet which was used to keep hundreds of herbs.

Also there are old signs which were gifted by the friends of the Chinese doctors.

Not only you can enjoy amazing coffees there, you can also enjoy food and Chinese tea such as dried dragon eye and date tea.

There are plenty of Instagram spots, even the front door.

Tai Wo Tang 九龍城大和堂
G/F, 24 Nga Tsin Long Road,
Kowloon City